
This dataset contains a collection of voice commands for a smart speaker, each beginning with the common wake-word "Hey Alexa." The commands cover a range of tasks such as music control, smart home management, information requests, reminders, shopping, entertainment, and communication. The dataset reflects natural language usage from a diverse group of speakers, capturing various phrasings, inflections, and contexts. It includes contributions from both male and female voices and features speakers with different native languages. The full dataset is available at the following DOI:

If you plan to download this dataset, we would appreciate it very much if you could fill out the Google form at This will help us understand the usage and impacts of this dataset. Your feedback will also help us improve any future extensions of this work.

Please cite the following if you plan to use the dataset :
[1] DiPassio, Tre; Heilemann, Michael; Rutowski, Jenna; Sedlacek, Paula; Thompson, Benjamin; Wen, Yutong (2024). Smart Speaker Command Dataset. University of Rochester. Dataset.
[2] T. DiPassio, M. C. Heilemann, B. Thompson and M. F. Bocko, "Estimating the Direction of Arrival of a Spoken Wake Word Using a Single Sensor on an Elastic Panel," 2023 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New Paltz, NY, USA, 2023, pp. 1-5,

The dataset includes impulse responses recorded from 14 different rooms. Each room has unique acoustic properties, providing a wide range of RT60, clarity, and EDT values. The recordings are in 48kHz, 32bit, mono WAV files. The dataset is organized by room, with each subfolder containing the impulse responses specific to that room, as well as a general layout of each room and plots of acoustic data. The full dataset is available at the following DOI:

If you plan to download this dataset, we would appreciate it very much if you could fill out the Google form at This will help us understand the usage and impacts of this dataset. Your feedback will also help us improve any future extensions of this work.

Please cite the following if you plan to use the dataset :

[1] J. Rutowski, T. DiPassio, B. R. Thompson, M. F. Bocko, and M. C. Heilemann “Estimating Direction of Arrival in Reverberant Environments for Wake-Word Detection Using a Single Structural Vibration Sensor,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 156, No. 4, pp. 2619–2629, Oct 2024.

[2] Rutowski, Jenna; DiPassio, Tre; Thompson, Benjamin R.; Heilemann, Michael C.; Bocko, Mark F. (2024). University of Rochester room impulse response dataset. University of Rochester. Dataset.