AME 294: Audio DSP Portfolio, Fall 2014 - present
A follow on course to AME 272: Audio Signal Processing, AME 294 is a hands on course in designing real-time digital audio effects for the SHARC Audio Module (SAM). Students will use C/C++ language to program the SAM. The first half of the year consists of lab assignments, where students learn the basics of programming the SAM by designing simple audio effects such as filters, delays, compressors and synthesizers. After the completion of the required labs, each student completes an independent project on real-time signal processing. The project may be an original design, or model of an existing analog effect.
Past Student Projects
I’ve been an instructor for this course since 2018 (and for several years before as a graduate student). For the first several years, the course used the OMAP-L138 development kit by Texas Instruments. Before the Fall 2019 semester, I received an internal award to upgrade these DSP kits to the SHARC Audio Module by Analog Devices. A few examples of the projects using the SHARC board are shown below.
Compressor/Expander: Fall 2022
Digital Reverb: Fall 2021
David Gilmour Effect Emulator (Phaser, Compressor, Echo): Fall 2020
MIDI FM Drum Machine: Fall 2021